We’re celebrating British Pie Week as we know best – with a Tribute ale infused pie.
Homemade pastry is delicious and therapeutic to knead but readymade pastry is a good option too.
Serves 4
For the pastry
300g plain flour, plus extra for rolling out
100g unsalted Cornish butter cubed
100g Atora suet
Pinch of salt
125ml cold water
For the filling:
750g/1lb 6oz Cornish braising steak / shin or skirt, cut into chunks
600ml/pint of St Austell Brewery’s Tribute ale (Soak the beef in the Tribute over night for best results)
150g Pancetta
3 tbsp plain flour
salt and freshly ground black pepper
3 tbsp olive oil
2 garlic cloves crushed
200g whole baby onions
1 fresh or dried bay leaf
handful fresh thyme sprigs
1 tbsp tomato purée
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
400g/14oz chestnut or white mushrooms cut into quarters
Preparation method
- For the pastry, add the flour, suet, butter and a pinch of salt into a bowl and use your finger tips to rub the fat into the flour until it resembles breadcrumbs. Stir in the cold water, gently bringing it together. Alternatively blend all ingredients in a food processer and slowly add the water. Wrap the pastry in cling film and place in the fridge to chill.
- For the filling, drain the beef and keep the Tribute ale aside. Pat the beef dry with a clean towel, then mix it with the flour and some salt and pepper. The best way to do this without making too much mess is to put everything into a large food bag, seal, and shake.
- Heat a tablespoon of the oil in a large pan up to a high heat, shake off the excess flour from the beef. Keeping the chunks well-spaced fry until golden-brown all over.
- Transfer the meat to a bowl, then add a splash of the Tribute ale to the pan and scrape up any meaty bits. Tip the liquid into the bowl of meat. Wipe out the pan, then add a tablespoon of oil with the Pancetta, garlic, onions, mushrooms and herbs and fry to soften for a few minutes.
- Put the beef back into the pan. Pour in the Tribute ale, then add the tomato purée and balsamic vinegar. If necessary, add a little hot water to ensure the meat is covered in liquid (this will prevent the beef from drying out). Bring to the boil, skimming off any impurities, then cover and simmer the stew for 1-1½ hours until the beef is almost tender and the sauce has thickened.
- Set aside to cool.
- To make the pie, preheat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas 6. Dust the work surface with flour, then roll out the pastry until roughly 1cm thick and a little larger than your pie dish.
- Put the filling into a pie dish and brush the edges with a little water or beaten egg.
- Place the pastry on top by laying the pastry over a rolling pin to lift it. Press down gently to seal.
- Cut a couple of slits in the top of the pie to release steam. Brush the top of the pie with beaten egg. .
- Bake for 30 minutes, or until the filling is bubbling and the pastry is golden-brown all over.
Note: Add 100g of crumbled Cornish blue cheese to the top of the pie before placing the pastry lid to add even more richness and flavour. Serve the steak pie with a pint of Tribute ale.